My father died on Good Friday in 1992 from an aneurysm that erupted inside his brain. On Easter of this year, I had a hemorrhagic stroke, which, is an eerily similar thing to have happen, on almost the same day of celebration, or remembrance. Massive brain bleeding hit us both at almost the same age, and on almost the same day of the year.

Providence is always and everywhere, but sometimes it's more obvious. We were only a year apart in age when it happened. We were/are both relatively young. Relatively athletic.

The Lord took him, but left me. He finished his work more quickly than I have finished mine, I believe.

There are times I wish I had gone to see Jesus, as my father did, and times I am glad I did not. Why did God leave me, but with a warning, as it seems?

My father was hosting an "end of year" party for his Sunday School class. I was sitting on my couch, alone, surfing the internet. My wife had left me, and my boys were with her that day.

I pray the Lord gives me some of what He gave my father in terms of character qualities I still lack. Please be patient a minute. I don't plan on "documenting my journey," but a few public thoughts are in order. I'm not looking for sympathy, or praise if the Lord refines my filthy dross.

My father ran a lot, as in, marathons. I am fairly fit, but I don't run marathons. I never have. My father was not at his fittest at the time of his death, but not really at his worst, either. We should be fit, and I am sure going to work harder at it now. God designed us to be warriors and builders and keepers of the garden. I have underperformed. God's overwhelming grace does not excuse my mediocrity.

We should be submitted to He with Whom we all have to do. In everything. Our personal lives, and our civic lives. Man knows not his time.

I am grateful for many things, but I am especially grateful that the Lord did not remove my children's father, yet. They are good people, but having gone through an early exit (from my perspective) by my father, I hope I am here to serve them for a good while longer. Even just to cheer them along. And I hope to also be of worthwhile use to others. Pray for the children, and train them diligently, even when they don't like it. The days can seem dark at times. And impish forces lust after your wife and children, and the laws restrain you. May God have mercy on us all.

I'm talking to me in this post, but you may need to hear what I'm telling myself.

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